Thursday, 8 January 2009

pigs, glorious pigs

I thought I'd share some photos of our fabulous pigs, who I got to know a little bit during my week on the farm.

This friendly bunch are all the daughters of either Tallulah, our Ginger Tamworth sow (introduced here), or Broadband, our Essex Saddleback sow. Everyone's got the same sire - Christopher our great big gorgeous Essex Saddleback. As a result of the cross-breeding, these young pigs are a mixture of colours... black with a white band (like a Saddleback) or white markings, completely black, beautifully ginger (like a Tamworth), or the unusual (and quite fantastic) white with black spots!

Which one's your favourite?

For more pics, check out our pigs set on flickr, here.

Juliet D-H

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1 comment:

stuffsnthingies said...

Aw.. They're so cute! I <3 the last two pictures! :)